Wednesday, July 29, 2009


IBM has purchased SPSS. Not sure really why so many colleagues insisted on using SPSS, even while SAS is a far superior product for academic research. In any case, maybe Big Blue can make SPSS more logical and useful:,0,7990855.story

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reed Elsevier Sues FL Man for Predator Database

WEST BOCA - A South Florida man is at the center of a billion-dollar lawsuit that he says has hindered his efforts to help law enforcement find child predators.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who Controls Journals?

Sage apologizes to board of political science journal for making leadership change without consulting academics -- and signs deal to run sociology association's scholarly publications. This story, covered by Inside Higher Ed, is likely to become more common as academic publishing becomes more of a business: